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New STEM Club Feature

Ethical Hacking Club

You’ve probably seen hackers in movies: the flashing lines of white text and inhuman typing speed, but have you ever wondered how they actually do it? Well…welcome to EHC, SAS’s ethical hacking club! From 3:00-4:15 every Monday, we’ll be learning about everything related to cybersecurity and hacking—ethically of course!

You’ll be able to participate in weekly in-school challenges (known as CTFs), compete in international competitions with prize funds, and through webinars, even ask professional ethical hackers about their experiences.

And the best part is…you need no prior experience in anything STEM related—not even coding! So, if you want to get introduced to the amazing world of STEM, this club will be an extremely fun and insightful opportunity!



Hello from BiO LaB!

We are an official STEM general club at SAS!

As you can find out in our name, BiO LaB is welcoming every single one of you who is interested in Biology AND Chemistry. We teach and discuss the interesting concepts that might be included in outside school curriculums and conduct simple and entertaining experiments!

We meet Every Friday Afterschool 3:15-4:15 PM @H303 (Dr. Price’s Room)!

The officer team looks forward to meeting you in person:)

If you have any questions, contact our Instagram ( or just send a short message if you want to know more about our club!



Welcome from Aspyre!

Aspyre is an NSC under the Education For All umbrella that aims to support the STEM education of underprivileged children by providing diverse opportunities for STEM-related enrichment and interactive learning. Interested in STEM or enjoy teaching and interacting with children? Then Aspyre is the perfect place for you! We volunteer in-erson at Campus Impact centers in Marsiling and Admiralty weekly to and engage in STEM enrichment activities.

Our primary purpose is to provide a flexible, stimulating curriculum that caters to students’ needs and interests, empowering them to experience the joy of learning and applying knowledge in creative ways.

We meet every Tuesday after school 3:15-4:00 PM @H305 (Mr. Gaskell’s room)!

If you have any quest ions or want to learn more, feel free to contact our Instagram (@sas.aspyre) or email one of the officers!

22-23 Aspyre Officer Team

Jessica Kang, Hyeonseo Kwon, Alex Tao, Aaron Brest, Nikita Chanda, Rohan Agrawal


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